Işıl Aral, International Law as a Set of Narratives (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024)
Işıl Aral, Jean d’Aspremont, Expansionism in International Human Rights Law (Brill, forthcoming 2024)
Edited Volume
Işıl Aral, Jean d’Aspremont (eds), International Law and Universality (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024)
Işıl Aral, ‘The Role of the Security Council and its Authorisation to Use Force to Create Normative Markers in Democratic Governance Discourses’, (2023) 10 (1) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 17
Işıl Aral, ‘The COVID-19 Pandemic: Another Blow to the Universality of International Law’, (2022) 3 The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review 25
Işıl Aral, ‘The Myth of the Cold War: Is 1991 Really a Turning Point for the Neutrality of International Law Regarding Democratic Governance?’, in ESIL SSRN Conference Paper Series, available at:
Book chapters
Işıl Aral, Jean d’Aspremont, ‘The Universalizing Narratives of International Law and their Binary Contestations’, in Işıl Aral, Jean d’Aspremont (eds), International Law and Universality (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024)
Işıl Aral, ‘Turkey: Optional Religion Courses, Exemption from Compulsory Religion Education and the Student Oath’ in Religious and Ideological Rights in Education, Pablo Meix Cereceda, Jan de Groof (eds) (Wolf Legal Publishers 2017)
Online Database Publications
Jean d’Aspremont, Işıl Aral, ‘Recognition in International Law’ in Oxford Bibliographies in International Law, Anthony Carty (ed), Oxford University Press
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), Resolution (69) 51 on Greece, 12th December 1969 (Res (69) 51), 16 May 2017, OXIO 153
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), Communiqué of the Decision on the Situation in the Arab Republic of Egypt, 17th June 2014 (PSC/PR/COMM.2 (CDXLII)), 19 October 2016, OXIO 116
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), Communiqué on the Suspension of the Membership of Egypt by the African Union, 5th July 2013 (PSC/PR/COMM.(CCCLXXXIV)), 18 October 2016, OXIO 115
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 (1994) on authorization to form a multinational force under unified command and control to restore the legitimately elected President and authorities of the Government of Haiti and extension of the mandate of the UN Mission in Haiti, 31st July 1994 (UN Doc S/RES/940(1994)), 28 September 2016, OXIO 114
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV): Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24th October 1970 (UN Doc A/RES/2625(XXV)), 26 September 2016, OXIO 7
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) on principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73e of the Charter, 15th December 1960 (UN Doc
A/RES/1541(XV)), 15 January 2016, OXIO 6
Işıl Aral, Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (United Nations General Assembly [UNGA]), 14th December 1960 (UN Doc A/RES/1514(XV)), 15 January 2016, OXIO 5
Işıl Aral, ‘Global Threats and Global Emergencies: Legal Reactions’, Report on Turkey for the International Academy of Comparative Law 2022 Annual Conference
Blog Posts
Işıl Aral, ‘Where Are We Now with the Definition of Gender Identity?’, Koç-Kam Blog, 27 April 2022,
Işıl Aral, ‘Resignation of Mugabe: A Military Coup or a Legitimate Expression of the People’s Will?’, EJIL: Talk!, 5 December 2017,
Publications in Turkish
Işıl Aral, ‘Rusya’nın Avrupa Konseyinden Ayrılmasının İnsan Hakları Hukuku ve Uluslararası İşbirliğine Etkileri’, Uluslararası Hukuk Kuralları Işığında Rusya-Ukrayna Krizi (The Impact of Russia’s Expulsion from the Council of Europe on International Human Rights Law and International Cooperation), Murat Önok (ed), (2023)
Işıl Aral, ‘Uluslararası Kamu Hukuku Açısından İran’la Yapılan Ortak Hareket Planı’ (An Overview of the Joint Action Plan Concluded with Iran), Güncel Hukuk, January 2016, 38
Işıl Aral, ‘Incognito; Ben Gerçekten Ben Miyim?’ (Am I Really Who I Am?), Güncel Hukuk, June 2015, 35
Işıl Aral, Gülşah Ekiz, ‘Adliyelere Girişte Güvenlik Sorunu’ (Security Problems at the Court House), Güncel Hukuk, May 2015, 11
Işıl Aral, ‘El-Beşir’in Güney Afrika Ziyareti’ (The Visit of Al Bashir to South Africa), Güncel Hukuk, July 2015, 10
Işıl Aral, ‘Hükümlünün Oy Kullanma Hakkı’ (Prisoners’ Right to Vote), Istanbul Bar Association Periodical, May-June 2014, 380
Işıl Aral, ‘Kovuşturmanın Ertelenmesi Kararına Karşı Başvurulacak Kanun Yolu’ (The Right to Appeal Against the Adjournment Decision of the Prosecution), Istanbul Bar Association Periodical, SeptemberOctober 2013, 74
Işıl Aral, ‘Temsil Sorunu’ (Representation Problem), Güncel Hukuk, October 2013, 38
Işıl Aral, ‘Ölüme Götüren Yazılar’ (Writings that Led to Death), Güncel Hukuk, March 2013, 63
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Işıl Aral
Hukuk Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi