Murat ÖNOK, born in 1979, is assistant professor at Koç University Law School. He holds a BA degree and Ph.D. from Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir.Dr. Önok’s fields of research are in criminal law, human rights law and international criminal law. He has also taught public international law and criminology.Dr. Önok is currently Vice-President of the Turkish Press Council, and serves as executive board member of the national branch of Transparency International, the Koç University Gender Studies Center (Koç-KAM), and the Center for Global Public Law (KÜREMER). He is also a member of the Criminal Procedure Law Training Commission of the Turkish Union of Bar Associations. In addition, he serves as an advisory board and/or review board member for many professional and academic journals.Select publications:
Tarihî Perspektifiyle Uluslararası Ceza Divanı (The International Criminal Court and its Historical Perspective), Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2003, pp. 341 + VVIII.
Uluslararası Boyutuyla İşkence Suçu (The Crime of Torture and Its International Dimension), Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2006, pp. 584.
Teorik ve Pratik Ceza Özel Hukuku (Theory and Practice of the Special Part of Penal Law), 11th ed., Ankara, 2014, pp. 1063 (with Prof. Dr. Durmuş TEZCAN and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ruhan ERDEM).
Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku (International Criminal Law), 2nd ed., Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2014, pp. 552 (with Prof. Dr. Durmuş TEZCAN and Doç. Dr. Mustafa Ruhan ERDEM).
İnsan Hakları El Kitabı (Handbook on Human Rights), 5th ed., Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2014, pp. 752 (with Prof. Dr. Durmuş TEZCAN, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ruhan ERDEM and Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR).
“Penal Law”, in: Introduction to Turkish Law (eds. T. Ansay and D. Wallace, Jr.), Kluwer International, 6th ed., 2011 (pp. 175-212).
“Türkiye”, in: Participation in Crime – Domestic, Comparative and International Perspectives (Alan Reed & Michael Bohlander (Eds.)), Ashgate, June 2013, pp. 451-468.
“Türkiye”, in: General Defences in Criminal Law – Domestic, Comparative and International Perspectives (Alan Reed & Michael Bohlander (Eds.)), Ashgate, December 2014, pp. 315-328.