The UN Charter cites the protection of human rights as a central purpose of the Charter thus positioning it as a core constitutional principle of Public International Law (PIL). Yet, it is unclear how far International Human Rights Law (IHRL) has shaped the development of PIL and its sub-branches. This project interrogates the assumption that IHRL is more than merely a sub-branch of international law with wider effects on the interpretation and development of PIL and its sub-branches. The project positions CGPL, in partnership with the Essex Human Rights Centre, at the centre of new thinking on how IHRL can effectively shape the development of PIL and its sub-branches.  In addition to reviewing the types of effects observed in well-explored areas such as international humanitarian law and international criminal law and international investment law, it will carry out research into branches that have not been studied extensively, including the international law of the sea, international law of organisations, and the international law of environment. This will fill important gaps in our understanding of the effects of IHRL. The research programme also offers a theoretical understanding of the effects of IHRL in PIL, and will make legal-policy recommendations for future regime design.


Çalı and McGregor, Interactions between International Human Rights Law and Other Sub-Branches of International Law: A Research Agenda (2016) EJIL Talk!

Çalı, McGregor, Galand, Azarova, Durmuş, Crivet and Elibol, The Effects of International Human Rights Law (IHRL) on International Law: A Bibliography

Çalı, McGregor, Galand, Durmuş and Crivet, The Effects of International Human Rights Law on other Branches of Public International Law: An Annotated Compilation of Case Law