Işıl Aral Director of Center for Global Public Law Biography
Yiğit Sayın Assistant Professor Law School Biography
Ali Çarkoğlu Professor of Political Science Biography
Bertil Emrah Oder Professor of Constitutional Law Biography

Our Members

Valentina Rita Scotti

Levent Emre Özgüç
Research Assistant, Law School

Betül Durmuş 
Ph.D. Candidate, Law School

Valentina Azarova
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Law School

Irina Crivet
Ph.D. Candidate, Law School

Ali Çarkoğlu
Professor of Political Science

Bahar Rumelili
Associate Professor, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics

Işıl Aral
Assistant Professor, Law School

Yiğit Sayın
Assistant Professor, Law School

Bertil Emrah Oder
Associate Professor, Law School

Billur Yaltı
Professor, Law School

Dilek Barlas
Professor, College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Emre Bayamlıoğlu
Assistant Professor, Law School

Hülya Simga
Assistant Professor, College of Social Sciences and Humanities

R. Murat Önok
Associate Professor Law School

Nur Centel
Professor, Law School

Sanem Özdural
Lecturer, Law School

Şuhnaz Yılmaz
Associate Professor, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics

Tankut Centel
Professor, Law School

Advisory Board

Fiona de Londras
Director of Human Rights Center
Durham Üniversitesi

Larry Helfer
Director of Center for Comparative and International Law
Duke Üniversitesi

Mattias Kumm
Inge Rennert Professor of Law
NYU Hukuk Fakültesi 
Berlin WZB

Mikael Madsen
Director of I-Courts
Kopenhag Üniversitesi

Samantha Besson
Co-Director of the European Law Institute and Head of the Department of International and Commercial Law
University of Fribourg

Ruth Rubio Marin
Professor of Constitutional and Public Law
European University Institute

Christof Bezemek
Vienna University of Economics and Businness